The Rwenzori Mountains are Africa's 3rd highest mountain range, exceeded only by the free-standing Mt. Kenya and Mt. Kilimanjaro. Stretching for 120 km over an area of 998 km² on Uganda’s border with the DR Congo, the range consists of six massifs separated by deep gorges (Mt Stanley - 5,109m, Speke - 4,890m, Baker - 4,843m, Emin 4,798m, Gessi - 4,715m and Luigi di Savoia - 4,627m). They are believed to be the legendary snow-capped ‘Mountains of the Moon’ described by Ptolemy in AD 150.
Whilst a variety of large mammals inhabit the lower slopes, the Rwenzoris are far more notable for their majestic scenery. Their distinctive, mist-shrouded glacial peaks, visible for miles around, and varied vegetation provide a stunning backdrop to this magnificent mountain range.
A standard 7 days/6 nights loop taking in all vegetation zones and the glacial peaks is tough but rewarding hike. The high peaks should be attempted only by experienced mountaineers. But the slopes above 1,600m are the preserve of hikers, who rate them the most challenging of all African mountains.